Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2nd entry for June 19, 2012

These are 1-minute studies of S-   plus a 3-minute one at the bottom, all done with hard compressed Nobel charcoal on 18 x 24" sheets of bond paper.
His special summer open sessions continue Tuesday nights at OCAD U, room 617, 6 - 10 PM.
They are open to all, $10 for students, or $15 otherwise, and a really good gesture and foreshortening workout (air conditioned, too!).

When someone's posture has all the twists and foreshortened parts of S-  's poses, it can be challenging for more novice life drawers to work out the volumes of the body in space.
I teach a special summer  3-day workshop at the Toronto School of Art July 23-25 called Structural Bodies. It runs 6 hours daily, and focuses on the `perspectival'  aspect of figure drawing - using short and long poses to analyse bodies as a set of 3-d volumes in space (cones, tubes, eggs, blocks,) - and the surrounding space too, at times.
To make the most of this class, you should have a basic grasp of drawing simple volumes in at least rough perspective from imagination (tubes, eggs and blocks in particular).
There is room. and you can contact the school and get more information via their website here.
If you want any other information, drop me a line, and I'll be happy to fill you in.

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