The evening finished with 2 poses that were a little under 10 minutes each. I think these were the two of them, but one of the ones I've listed as a 5-minute pose may have been switched around. Guess I'm going to have to start making a time notation- it's hard to keep the various poses completely straight after the fact.
I do post a lot of the studies from these evenings. Not all of them are the strongest studies. But even those ones where the drawing is weak, the poses are almost all a little different from other situations I've drawn, so I want to share the record of them. Performance is ephemeral, and a drawing is a different way of recording than a camera. Hopefully a little more empathetic.
These, like the others, are drawn with HB conte crayon on 24 x 36 sheets of newsprint.
In theses longer poses, the silks are like dual slings. As another of the drawers noted, it alters the dynamics of a sitting pose when the tension of support is coming from abve, rather than from the body's contact with the ground. I guess implicit in all of these suspended poses is the possibility of their collapse. Many poses mount resistance against the law of gravity and what most of us understand as its' dictates.
The parallel vertical straps make a visually striking element, partially framing the figure.
You can find almost all the studies posted from the other sessions I've attended at Diane's studio on this blog and on the Yahoo 360 precursor if you search the tag "circus arts".