Monday, October 7, 2013

2nd entry for Sept 14, 2014

Procession moves on, the shouting is over...
Nuit Blanche - a lot of hoopla, a degree of stupidity, some magic here and there and a lot of temporal/temporary art. One of the things I hope people take away is not that contemporary art befits a once-yearly all-nighter, but that there is tons to be discovered the other 364 days.
I saw a film screened in the First Canadian Place lobby, by an old projector and 35 mm film on an elaborate loop. The acoustics and visuals were really nice, and I found myself thinking, BMO and a lot of these places could easily afford to have stuff like this happening every day. I would like to see that, where more art is part of the fabric of the everyday.
Brookfield Place uses its common space for things like the World Press Photo exhibit without waiting for a big event to dedicate a little of their space. Good on them.

Above are some 15-minute studies, with Pentel brushpen on 18 x 24" sheets of Canson Recycled Sketch and Canson XL Drawing paper, with some misted india ink on a couple of the sheets.

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