Sunday, May 8, 2011

2nd Entry for Apr 22, 2011

(Most of the studies documented on this blog are very short and direct. But for people who are interested in investigating doing longer figure drawings of their own, I will be teaching a workshop from 9 a.m to 4 p.m daily May 16 -20 over at the TSA.  It's called "Bodies in Context".  Each day features a different model, set up in a tableau with props and backdrop elements, to explore narrative and symbolic  situations.  Good figure drawing practice, lots of time for one-on-one feedback and coaching, and an excellent opportunity to consider content - and the meaning of figures - within your work.
There are a couple of places left, and for details, check in at the TSA's website.)

These are two 20-minute studies. Both are on 18 x 24" sheets of cartridge paper.  The upper one is hard compressed charcoal alone, while the lower one has a very small amount of 8B grahite worked in as well.
I feel that the last one (below) has a good degree of the spntaneity that I like to see in a drawing of a person - a balance of looseness and control, and an un-selfconsciousness about the marks it is drawn with.

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