Friday, June 5, 2009

Entry for June 2, 2009

On Tuesday I gave Artists 25 a pass and went along with Z- to check out the bi-weekly Circus Jam in Kensington's Bellvue Park (home of the Al Waxman statue). Dozens of people were out and the atmosphere after dark was festive - dance music was playing, and dozens of people were spinning hoops, practising juggling and other tricks, and giving one another pointers. As night descended, people performed routines with fire - fire fans, fire poi, fire staffs and flaming balls on lengths of rope.
I thought it would be a good opportunity to do some gesture sketching, and it was.

But the 30-second poses at Diane's Drawing Room were a cakewalk compared to these performers dancing through their routines. I filled a few pages with scratchy memory gesture sketches done with a ballpoint pen. It was fun at first, but got frustrating as the ambient light died out. Still a long way to go to get to Toulouse-Lautrec territory, that's for sure!

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